Tuesday 10 March 2009


I like science. Not in a weird "I-have-braces-and-never-go-out" type of way. I like the way that anyone, and I mean anyone, can go out and challenge the world on a subject. You can, should the need take you, grab a microscope, and question the theories on biology, or grab a telescope and argue that the moon is made of Cheshire cheese, NOT Cheddar as previously thought. Science may feel cold, and out of reach to many, but the fact is that it is very open indeed, and that accessibility is what makes it an inherently beautiful setup. 

Religion is different. Speak out, or question the religious documents, ways, or teachings, and you suddenly have a name. Heretic, blasphemer, infidel, kuffar, and unbeliever.  From the get-go you seem to be up against a wall. It is not hardened nut-jobs doing the blocking. It seems that every religious person out there thinks that their religious belief is more important than my own on the subject. You come up against people who repeat chapter and verse at you, despite me not putting any weight at al in them. Do you think they believe that by rabbeting these verses I will convert? They will proclaim my doom, and that judgment will come at my end. Well, I'll wait to see about that, as they have as much forst hand knowledge of that event as I do. 

On the international stage, we have religious fanatics going nuts over drawings, and bonkers because their creation story isn't being taught in the science classroom. The science classroom, for goodness sake!What part does science have to play in creationism? It essentially boils down to the religious not likened their religion cheapened by science which they feel contradicts their bible story. Well, fortunately we live in a somewhat free society, (although that seems to be dwindling somewhat), so if I fail to see the point you are making, and point out the fallacies in your story, I will do so. I will tend not to instigate the debate. I seldom talk about religion in normal life. However, the moment someone pips in with a silly statement, or a notion that is absurd, I will put my head above the parapet and say my piece, as politely as I can muster. 

So, we have to do our best to discuss the issue with people who have this faith. They believe in the Ark, Noah, Adam, Eve, the virgin birth, and the resurrection, with no proof other than that of a book. There is no proof of Moses, and the exodus into the desert for 40 years. There is no evidence of a character called Jesus, and we don't know who wrote the gospels. We have no evidence of a crucifixion, and no evidence of a teacher at the time healing people, or feeding 5000 people with a happy meal. It consistes of chinese whispers decades, and centuries after the fact. This all, however, doesn't matter, as it gets argued away with the word "faith"... Oh, OK then. never mind historical records, and logic, faith trumps all! The moment someone uses that argument against you, end it there, as these people have no cognitive ability. mere details, and facts mean nothing to these people, and corroborating their story simply consists waving a bible in your face. 

It is a dead end, and I fear it will be like that for an eternity. Religion will always be part of the human experience, but that is no reason to dump all reason and logic. Superstition, and fear of the unknown will always breed the supernatural thoughts, and 'answers'.  These people are the kind who cannot see the inherent beauty in nature, and for them to see any awe in anything, it has to have a supernatural element. They can;t look at a mountain, a stream, the sky, the stars, and planets, and just think of the science, and natural forces creating, and destroying them. That's not awesome enough. I do not want these people dictating things to me, in any way, shape or form.

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