Friday 22 October 2010

The Crazies are heading to Washington!

So, now that Sarah Palin is dropping slowly off the map, there must be something equally as nutty to fill that void. Well, we have a positive stampede of silly people to fill in that rather large void.

There... Up in the sky! My word, it’s riding a broom, and turning people into newts! It’s our friendly neighbourhood masturbation control agent, Officer O’Donnell. Of course the irony of Christine, and her anti-masturbation rhetoric is that she is indeed worthy of a tug. You could have a tug to Palin if you so wished, but you’d always have that accent rattling around in your head, right on your vinegar stroke, and frankly it was a put off. O’Donnell on the other hand, is quite the nicely spoken, girl next door sort of MILF.
Still, the poor wee poppet has been in the papers of late. Not for her anti-wanking talk, but rather because she really doesn’t seem to know what she is talking about with regards to the US Constitution. In a recent debate with her local rival for the Delaware Senate seat, she took the somewhat rather odd action of questioning whether the first amendment actually forbid the separation of church and state. Now, many of the shock jock numpty radio, and Fox news types have charged to her rescue, saying that she was asking a genuine question of interpretation, however, the transcript shows otherwise. I suggest you have a little look see, and ponder it yourself. This is all aside from the fact she seems to think that ID is actually a valid scientific principle, which again is stupidity in itself.

Next we have the male nutjob weirdo from the Tea party, who seems to think that the phrase, “Separation of Church and state” was not actually said by jefferson, rather it was first said by Hitler, and that the next time one of those stinking liberal types mentions the phrase to ask them why they are Nazi’s! Really. It beggars belief. These are the people who will be your leaders if the stupid is not taken notice of.

last but not least, we have the Tea Party chap who thinks that if the right do not win against the left, then the country should take up arms... So let me get this straight. If the democratic process is done as it should be, and the people decide they want the US to be run in a certain way, then the rest should grab their guns, and start a shootin? Well, yeeha, aren’t we just the wild west all over again. Doesn’t that make it more of an anarchic state, or a dictatorship if folks are going to force their beliefs against the majority? How odd, and undemocratic. How anti-liberty, and anti-freedom, watch words for the very same people who will be picking up their guns.

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