Wednesday 6 July 2011

Atheists must be exposed?

Atheism unveiled « Conservative Christian Commentary

So apparently, according to this blogger, the atheists that are becoming more, and more vocal should be exposed? Well, the first problem with this is the fact that vocal atheists are already exposing themselves. They have to if they are going to be vocal.

(I have since done some digging, and this guy has run for office! Seriously? A man with views like this should be nowhere near office!!/CCCommentary
Please spread this if you can.)

This E. Allen Griffith's seems, apparently, to think that atheists will say whatever they will to enforce, or empower their own views. He clarifies this by quoting scripture. Irony is seemingly lost on this individual. The ridiculous, and intensely arrogant argument he puts forward is quite simple.

"Every atheist, regardless of his arguments, knows there is a true and living God. I submit his rationalizing is as much an effort to relieve his own mind about the truth of God’s existence, as it is to try to convince others"

Is this man really attempting to put across a point about atheism here, or does his rather simplistic view of the world simply make him look incredibly closed minded? I would suggest that the atheist has no belief in God, contrary to Griffith's assertion. A simple look at a dictionary would sort that little issue out.

A-Theist which basically means without God... You cannot acknowledge someone as an atheist, and then tell them they actually believe in a God. It is logically weak, and comes across, as I said, as arrogant. He genuinely believes his own religious beliefs are in actual fact the only way anyone can think, and if they don't, then it must be a tangent version of what his beliefs are. It's quite worrying. he continues with more bible scripture, (why do they think that bible scripture means anything to anyone other than those that believe?).

As to this false claim he makes regarding atheists..

"The reader can be sure that every atheist once believed in God. In reality, each atheist still believes in God, but claims unbelief outwardly"

At no point in my life have I ever believed in a God. It was always kept in the same drawer as fairies, and hobgoblins. For you to make such a spurious claim belittles not only my own thoughts on the world, but that of every atheist out there who was not a God Botherer at any point. You come across as arrogant, weak, and so desperate to weight your own side, and beliefs, that you seem to think we all thought the same, and simply wandered from the path. Sorry, but that is frankly bullshit. Of course you KNOW I am lying here, because you are some sort of psychic, (well, you may as well have other irrational notions apart from your religious beliefs), and there has been a lot in my life that I consider to be 'bad' in some way, but not one iota of it has been blamed on any imaginary friend.

You are right about one thing;

"Some think God is unfair. Sin and suffering are unfair. The reality of a place called Hell is unfair"

I think anyone who has read the bible, and thinks about the notion that is God, can see that he is unjust, and indiscriminate. Suffering is aplenty, and so on, and so forth. I'm sure you have heard the argument before. However, being the psychic that I am, you will no doubt respond with;

"God moves in mysterious ways, brah!", or some such nonsensical kop out answer, that doesn;t go any way near to answering why things are as they are on earth. No doubt you'll prattle on about sin, or even, if I'm really lucky, spout some verse at me. However, none of this will answer a single thing about the original question in hand, and how YOUR god, that you worship, allows what he does on HIS creation.

Your blog post basically boils down to one thing... You are a fundamentalist Christian, and whatever anyone else thinks, it's because they are wrong, and you are right, and damn them if they think they can argue about it using logic and reason. You have your bible at hand with which to beat them with, for it is a heavy book, and ideal for hand to hand combat.

Atheism is NOT the rejection of God. It is the simple lack of anything convincing about it. How can I reject something I don't believe in. I simply think it is baloney. There is no rejection in the same way that you are not rejecting Vishnu, or Zeus... It just isn't in your make up to believe in it.


  1. Can you plz prove that there is no God.

    1. Can you prove there is no tooth fairy, hob goblins, invisible pink unicorns, or flying spaghetti monsters? The burden of proof is on the religious, not the non-religious, as it is their claim.

      Also, is this really your best argument? Can you prove there is no Ra, Vishnu, or any of the other 6000+ gods that have been relegated to mythology?
