Sunday 3 July 2011

Tony Blair... Naive? Out of touch?

Is Tony Blair the most naive man on the planet, these days, when it comes to religion. he seems to have an opinion borne out of fluffiness, and nicety, and yet he seems to be able to utterly disregard the vast downsides that religions seem to bring. He wants equality for all minorities, (in this vein talking about religion), and yet the very tenet of these religions is that THEY are the one true religion, and all others are either inferior, false, and the believer, or non-believers of the others will all go to hell, and burn for eternity. You CANNOT have equality under those circumstances.

Like the Hitchens Blair debate, he is simply showing himself to be utterly simplistic in his view, and out of his depth.

"A ruling class that is "religiously illiterate" cannot lead in the 21st century" - Vatican Insider

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